Deconstructing Comp
Now in Season 5! We are still breaking down complex issues of workers' compensation into bite-sized nuggets, one conversation at a time, with one slight twist. We are finally doing what we set out to do when we started: discuss the nuances of our fascinating system in "Cliff Notes" style summaries.
Yvonne Guibert and Rafael Gonzalez approach workers' comp conversations from different backgrounds. Still, they share many similar things, such as their love for family and friends, a passion for Latin culture, and good old-fashioned belly laughs. Join them as they chat with their industry friends and colleagues, learn more about their roles, laugh, and have fun on the journey. You might learn something along the way! See you soon! ¡Hasta pronto!
Deconstructing Comp
Thoughts on Protoplasm, Opioids and Work Comp
Join Yvonne and Rafael as they kick off Season 2 of Deconstructing Comp with none other than Joe Paduda, industry expert, speaker and blogger, author of the Managed Care Matters blog.
Joe is one of the foremost experts in the workers' compensation industry. Yvonne and Rafael catch up with Joe as he discusses how he landed in our industry, what he's been up to lately, and what we should be looking at in terms of important issues on the horizon.
If you don't know Joe, I'm not sure what rock you live under (just kidding!), but you can find his Managed Care Matters blog here - https://www.joepaduda.com/
So here we go! Are you ready for another fun season of getting to know the incredible people of our industry, learning how they got here, how they spend their time in the industry and what's important to them? Come on then! You might learn something new!
Grab your favorite beverage, pull up a chair and let's go talk to Joe! ... ¡Vamanos!
¡Muchas Gracias! Thank you for listening. We would appreciate you sharing our podcast with your friends on social media. Find Yvonne and Rafael on Linked In or follow us on Twitter @deconstructcomp